
We are excited to announce that we ranked as one of the fastest growing companies for the 2018 Inc. 5000 List!

We ranked #2,710 on the Inc. 5000 annual list which recognizes the top growing private-owned companies in the country.  Companies are ranked based on the percentage of revenue a company has in a three year period.

“We are honored to be recognized on the prestigious Inc. 5000 ranking for our fast growth over the past three years,” said Cody Broderick, founder, and CEO at inWhatLanguage. “Our team members have worked extremely hard to help our business grow and scale in technology, operations, marketing, finance, and sales to meet the demands of our valued customers from around the world.”

We are excited to see what the future holds as we work hard to ensure we have continuous growth and provide high-quality translation services to our clients.

Read the full press release here.
