
E-learning materials provide platforms for students and employees across the world to learn information outside of the typical classroom. Recently, an increasing number of international companies have established e-learning courses for company growth and unification. According to an IBM Report, well-trained teams that used e-learning methods saved an average of $70,000 per year and saw an increase of productivity by 10%.
Using localization processes, e-learning materials can reach more people in more languages, improving communications for greater understanding and retention. Qualified employees are just as crucial to a business’s success as the products. 71% of CEO’s said that “human capital was a key source of sustained economic value.” E-learning provides training solutions and opportunities for the 65% of global businesses that are reporting “talent and leadership shortages.”
The age of paper has come and gone. E-learning materials are effective for teaching and training students or employees around the world. However, simply sharing materials with people across the globe doesn’t mean it’s just as easy to understand. This is why the key to proper localization and translation is in the pre-planning and creation of e-learning materials. By building training materials based off of trainees’ learning styles and linguistic and cultural background, learner’s have increased chances of retention.
While translation of e-learning materials is helpful for students or employees to learn in their preferred language, localization is just as vital when providing a digital learning environment. When e-learning materials need to be shared on a global scale, it’s crucial that all aspects are localized according to foreign markets. This includes altering audio, videos, and even images to be appropriated for cultural sensitivity and better understanding of materials.

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Understandable Training Materials and Lessons

Solely translating e-learning materials is just one part of providing completely accessible materials to clients. The localization process requires that possible audio or video training materials must also be available in the right language as well as dialect. This can quickly become a complex process. Take determining the right audio for Chinese speaking clients as an example. In China’s PRC alone there are 297 individual languages, Hong Kong has 7 different languages, and Taiwan has 25 languages. Knowing your student’s or trainee’s language and dialect is crucial for the success of their learning.


Avoid Offense​

Different cultural backgrounds can greatly impact styles of learning as well as what is deemed as offensive. Companies that take advantage of localization consultation and start the localization process simultaneously with course creation can greatly reduce their chances of possible offense to learners. Localization consultants are expert in cultural background and customs. Their knowledge base in locale culture and language ensures that learning materials not only are understandable, but also retain the same message in every language and culture.

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Consistent Message

Translation management systems (TMS), like Unify, leverage tools such as translation memory (TM) that make it simple to retain translation consistency across all multilingual materials.
​When e-learning materials are effectively and accurately localized and translated, it can lead to business growth and sustainability. By creating global-ready resources, companies ensure that their message stays consistent for any language. A consistent message means that employees will all be on the same page and working towards the same goal. Creating materials for international training makes enterprise expansion consistent as well as profitable.

Retain Digital and Interactive Methods of Learning

The digital and interactive nature of e-learning courses positively impacts learners. Not only does this technological form of education increase retention rate, 25-60%, but it also requires 40-60% less time for employees to complete training.

Consult and Expertise

E-learning is an industry vastly growing for large scale businesses. In 2013, 41.7% of Fortune 500 Companies used technology for learning. As enterprise-level companies develop their own e-learning materials, working with consultants and experts in localization and translation can greatly aid in creating global-ready courses. Global enterprises can break language barriers with localization and translation of their e-learning materials to further maximize and continue their growth in any global market.
